Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hair cut with a razor??

Today I went to the hair dressers and had it thinned out with a razor. If you know what this means (the technique was basically scraping strands of hair with a razor to thin/piece out the hair), could you tell me how to achieve and maintain that kind of straight, piecey look? what products and techniques do you recommend? Thanks! ~ Mr. Wonderful

Hair cut with a razor??

if you want the staight piecy look then you could buy a straightener...either ceramic or glass...the metals one suck!

Hair cut with a razor??

Umm i dont know..

Hair cut with a razor??

Can't help you with the maintenance, but it was the best haircut I ever had when I got that.

Hair cut with a razor??

They will damage the razor

They should use the kind of razor with the combs

hair groomers

Hair cut with a razor??

depends on what you want it to look like and the length (and a lot of other things, but these are the top 2)

texturizing mud


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